Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I had my appointment early this morning. What a way to get the day started! LOL. It's uncomfortable but what little pain and kinks in the back I get are well worth what the consequences might otherwise be. I have a small little lima bean size lump on my right breast but I'm thinking its just like what I had on my left breast a few years ago. I have a lot of *strata for lack of a better word in my breasts and the lump from before on my left breast was just that kind of tissue but it kept growing and was painful so that's why I had that removed. This one I've felt before. It seems to come around right before my period so I'm pretty sure its nothing. I'll keep telling myself that anyway until I get the all clear letter. My maternal aunt (who I'm named after coincidentally) also had these problems. Weird, huh? Anyway, we have insurance and better safe than sorry and now I'm going to quit rambling. I always try not to worry but can't help myself for the next week or so. My Grandma, her Sister and their Mother all had breast cancer but so far it hasn't shown up in my Mother's or my generations. Hopefully it won't. Stats are though that you don't have to have a family history of it anymore for it to just show up. You just never know. So again, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!


  1. Amen to that! I"m sure everything will be fine and I'm keeping good thoughts for you and keeping you in my prayers.

  2. Thanks ladies. Like I said I'm just a worrywort. LOL. I appreciate all the good thoughts and prayers.

  3. DEFINITELY better safe than sorry!! Good for you being proactive.

    As uncomfortable as mammograms are, they are something I never skip. A friend was diagnosed with Stage II after a lump was found in a routine mammogram. They said there was no way she would have ever felt it. She had to go through chemo and radiation and has been cancer "free" for three years. What really hit home for me is that her kids are friends with mine and are the same age.

  4. You've got to be proactive with this disease. It's scary what might happen otherwise. I don't go around worrying all year long about it but I do go and get my mammogram every year and then just worry for that next week. I lost a dear friend to cervical cancer so I always make sure I get my yearly physical for that too. Cancer is just too debilitating.
